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General Information
Type: City
Located in: The Abyss
Background Information
Significant Areas: The Market
Affiliation: N/A
Notable Inhabitants: N/A

The village of Muse-Ic is the home village of the namesake Muse species. It is located in the very center of the Abyss and is made up of numerous, strange buildings that make little to no sense.



Muse-Ic was founded long, long ago at the beginning of time by the first high Muse, Okthore Grictux, as a home for the Muse species within their desolate domain. This was when the Muses discovered their ability to manipulate reality around them to their will, and built homes out of materials unknown to even them. This would become the permanent civilization of Muse-Ic, where the Muses would grow and prosper for countless generations.

First Muse Renaissance

Eventually, certain Muses would be born with a curiosity for information beyond just the enlightened knowledge many Muses know, and would begin a massive change in their civilization, adding the arts and wonder to their daily life. It was at this point when famed Muse philosopher, Akilof Egsyybzyb would develop the famed Egsyybzyb Scale, a large book documenting all entities of existence, and sorting them by levels of power.


The culture of Muse-Ic is simple. As most Muses are still rather simple-minded, not much goes on in their day to day lives. However, artistic Muses do still keep the day-to-day lives of the village interesting and eventful. Muses are friendly to all that they meet, as their intent is to help, not harm.



Muse-Ic is located on a huge island in the middle of The Abyss, with many unique buildings scattered about.

The Market

The market is one of the busiest areas in Muse-Ic, it holds some interesting structures.

Image Name Description
Drunk-A-Moly The number one bar in the city! That is, it's also the only bar in the city...
Grubnub's Have some good grub, at Grubnub's!
Hoppin' Health When you're injured, hop right back onto your feet at Muse-Ic's best, and only hospital!
Quest-Inn Whether you're just passing by, or don't have a home of your own, Quest-Inn's the place for you!
Thing Stop Thing Stop, we have the things.
